For the first time, East Valley will be holding its very own Career Fair! Join us on Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 3 pm to 6pm at East Valley High School to explore open job opportunities within the district and learn more about what each of these careers have to offer. This event is open for those outside of our community as well, so please share with friends and family in need of a job or those looking to make a career change. We are excited for this opportunity and hope to see you there!
5 days ago, Sydney Westerman
career fair flyer
Calling all Trent families! Join us on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 5 pm to learn all about Title I. We will also be providing dinner and playing games. We hope you can join us! RSVP now!
3 months ago, Sydney Westerman
title night flyer
Join us Wednesday, May 1st at Roller Valley for Skate Night from 6-8!!
5 months ago, Kristina Taylor
Skate Night Flyer
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
Now hiring!
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
coaches hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
transpo hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
custodian hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
para hiring image
Don't forget about tonight's levy presentation! Neighbors and community members are invited to join the district virtually to discuss the proposed 2024 levy measure. All are encouraged to join and ask questions. Monday, February 5, 2024 at 6:00 pm Information about the levy can be found at
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
levy presentation image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
sub hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
hvac hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
nurse hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
hiring coaches image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
kitchen manager and assistant cooks hiring image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
drivers, assistants, mechanics hiring image
Don't forget about tonight's levy presentation! Neighbors and community members are invited to join the district virtually to discuss the proposed 2024 levy measure. All are encouraged to join and ask questions. Monday, January 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm Information about the levy can be found at
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
levy presentation image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
now hiring paras image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
now hiring custodians image
Now hiring!
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
hvac tech hiring image
Neighbors and community members are invited to join the district virtually to discuss the proposed 2024 levy measure. All are encouraged to join and ask questions. The meetings will be held on the following days: Monday, January 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm Monday, February 5, 2024 at 6:00 pm Information about the levy can be found at
6 months ago, Sydney Westerman
Levy Image